Let’s break the chain,
and close the loop!
Every year, the Dutch drink
around 12 billion cups of coffee.
That adds up to 100 million kilo of coffee grounds*
... which often end up in the
ordinary waste bin.
Ieder jaar, drinken Nederlanders zo’n 12 miljard kopjes koffie.
Dat maakt 100 miljoen kilo koffiedik…*
... that often ends up in the ordinary waste bin.
That's a shame! Coffee waste is a valuable material that can be applied in fascinating bio-based products that fit into a circular economy.
Beyond this, our impact goes further…
We recycle coffee grounds
At Coffee Based, we work in an innovative company that acts with respect for people and nature. The core of our business is the valuable use of coffee waste (coffee grounds and silverskin) to prevent disposal through the incineration of waste.
...because we believe in a circular economy
With our (reusable) products that are made partly from waste, we offer a replacement for (disposable) products made from petroleum or other virgin materials.
...because we believe in a circular economy
With our (reusable) products that are made partly from waste, we offer a replacement for (disposable) products made from petroleum or other virgin materials.
How many cups of coffee are in our products?
Move your mouse over the products to see how many cups of coffee they contain.
How many cups of coffee are in our products?
Our social impact
In this MAEX report you can learn more about the social impact that Coffee Based makes. We contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in various ways.
From disposable to reusable
Coffee Based encourages companies to switch to reusable coffee cups with the Arabica Cup. By replacing disposable paper cups, you can reduce CO2 emissions by 73% within just four years.
From disposable to reusable
Coffee Based encourages companies to switch to reusable coffee cups with the Arabica Cup. By replacing disposable paper cups, you can reduce CO2 emissions by 73% within just four years.
Social & local production
We value working as locally as possible. Our products are designed and made in the Netherlands. From coffee grounds collector and dryer, to injection moulder and compounder, we work together with our partners, all over the country.
Thanks to the Coffee Recycle Service, we also collect the coffee grounds from our own country.
Many of our products are packed or even made by people with a distance to the labour market. We support an inclusive society in which each person is valued and everyone has a valuable place.
Making coffee waste valuable again
1. Drinking coffee
It all starts with the spent coffee grounds that are created when making a cup of coffee.
2. Collection of coffee grounds
The coffee grounds are gathered in a special collection container that we pick-up.
3. Coffee grounds processing
Het verzamelde koffiedik verwerken we in een biobased granulaat.
4. Production
Various products are made from the coffee granulate.
Discover more about our impact?
MAEX – Coffee Based Social Handprint
Visualization of the social impact as a contribution to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Discover more
Sustainability Assessment
EcoVadis is the world's largest and most trusted provider of corporate sustainability assessments.
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